How to login to salesforce using session id?
We may also access Salesforce without having to enter a username and password. We may log into Salesforce using the session ID.
To log in to salesforce using session-id follow the following steps:
Step 1: execute this piece of code in the “Anonymous window” of the developer console
String sessionID=UserInfo.getOrganizationId()+''+UserInfo.getSessionId().subString(15);
system.debug('session id '+sessionID);
After this, you will get the sessionId now copy the sessionId
Step 2: in the below URL paste the copied sessionId instead of
https://<endpoint host>/secur/frontdoor.jsp?sid=<session id>”
Step 3:- in below URL paste the login URL instead of <endpoint host>
https://<endpoint host>/secur/frontdoor.jsp?sid=<session id>”
Copy the highlighted link and paste it instead of “<endpoint host>”
Now using this URL you can login to salesforce in any other system without using a username and password
Webner Solutions is a Software Development company focused on developing Insurance Agency Management Systems, Learning Management Systems and Salesforce apps. Contact us at for your Insurance, eLearning and Salesforce applications.
Originally published at on February 25, 2022.